"I believe I saw a giraffe"

What I write here is read "I believe I saw (a) giraffe". This is to imitate an ancient Egyptian language "Hieroglyphics" (3200 BC - AD 400), which pictures were used to represent sounds. Communication is a basic need for human being. Now, it's time for the 21th Century communication, it's time for Social Networking! - Thinnakorn

Friday, 15 October 2010

Social Networking in Education

From the previous posts I have metioned a lot about the awareness and darkside of social networking. This might make some of you frightened when social networkings are wrongly manipulated. However, that's just one of the sophisticated dimensions of technology.  Another great thing from social networking is it's role in education. It can make learning happenned anywhere: in a classroom, at the dinning room table, on a bus, in front of a science exhibit, at the zoo…anywhere! "Portability is not as important as the ability of the learner to connect, communicate, collaborate, and create using tools that are readily at hand." Thanks for social networking! From this video you can see how social networking and education related.


  1. But will greater access lead to a greater desire to learn? Aliteracy is just as big a problem as illiteracy and perhaps in some ways even more difficult to deal with. How do you motivate someone to learn if they feel they gain nothing from it?

  2. I do not think that people would use social network sites for education based upon that most people equate social media to social reasons only.

  3. Well, It's not forcing learners to use social network for learning but we try to add something they can learn into what they are involving, that is social networking. It's not trying to motivate students to use social networking for learning but make learning more convenient by adding it into what they can carry and access anywhere, anytime.

  4. As social networking is now embedded in the lifestyles of our students more deeply. I think this technology tools can help our students' education, because one of the most common topics of conversation in students' lives is education topics. Therefore, social networking can play a postitive role in education.

  5. Social networking: teachers blame Facebook and Twitter for pupils' poor grades


  6. I agree that social network sites is not suitable for student until it safer
