"I believe I saw a giraffe"

What I write here is read "I believe I saw (a) giraffe". This is to imitate an ancient Egyptian language "Hieroglyphics" (3200 BC - AD 400), which pictures were used to represent sounds. Communication is a basic need for human being. Now, it's time for the 21th Century communication, it's time for Social Networking! - Thinnakorn

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

The darkside of Social Networking!

How many positive aspects of Social Networking we have perceived ? - building cyber community, joining hands in solving sophisticated problem, enhancing relationship etc. How about the darksides? What about when things go wrong? How about your pivacy? Have you ever thought of that?

"When it comes to social networking, it’s not what you know, or even who you know – it’s who knows you. And that’s pretty much where the trouble starts."
David Gewirtz

Read more about the darkside of Social Networking here!


  1. Every medium has growing pains like the issues in that article. Its just what happens, people always find new and more fun ways to hurt themselves or others. The important thing is that this is not the majority of people using the systems, only a small few and as people grow up using social networking(as they are now) the dangers are diminishing.

  2. Thank Aiabramo for your comment!
    The social networks are fine! It's our human manipulation that makes it dangerous, that's why it's hard to completely prevent the dangers. Anyhow, it's not a thing we should worry to much!

  3. Although there are many dangers exist with social networking, they also exist in the real world too. Therefore, be aware of who I am communicating with, is the good caution for living in this cyber world that we cannot inevitable to use social networking tools.

  4. Thank Ms Nattee for your comment! It's exactly what really happens! No matter what kind of communication we have, SN, face-to-face etc, we must be wise enough to keep us safe.

  5. Aiabramo I agree it only a few that spoil for the many

    Defeating the Dark Side of Social Networking

  6. I think the danger is greater for children who cannot see manipulation
