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Do you wonder how social networking will look like in the future? FaceBook, Youtube, Blog or Twitter may be completely replaced with other social networking tools. Syracuse Blackboard may be only history of this development. Or, the change may not be too much from now! From the article of Craig Schmugar Future social networking sites will become more important because platforms will expand further. “Killer apps” will include mobility, presence, and location awareness, with the goal of making your physical life more convenient through your virtual network; you’ll have a traveling social network in your back pocket. Not only will you be able to know which of the friends in your network is online, but you’ll also be able to know which are nearby. Cell tower triangulation and global positioning systems will be able to pass along your location to whomever you allow. Location-aware services could match local businesses and entertainment to your interests based on your profile. Business travelers could more easily rendezvous with coworkers and clients at conferences and trade shows. The thrill of online dating could be heightened through the creation of location-specific communities, so you wouldn’t only meet someone online, but you could also chat with a prospective mate in the same room. Social sites will also be smarter, mining user information across the web. Social bookmarking site functionality such as Digg will be married with social networks and enhanced with self-learning technology such as Pandora or StumbleUpon and tagging functionality such as Flickr. The result is a more constant and refined stream of relevant information, which actually educates and informs the community in a much more efficient manner than occurs today.