"I believe I saw a giraffe"

What I write here is read "I believe I saw (a) giraffe". This is to imitate an ancient Egyptian language "Hieroglyphics" (3200 BC - AD 400), which pictures were used to represent sounds. Communication is a basic need for human being. Now, it's time for the 21th Century communication, it's time for Social Networking! - Thinnakorn

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Alone or Not Alone!

Some say that "we can't be alone when involving in social networks" but some may say "social networking can make you alone".  How do you think about it?

In this week post I would like to emphasize on time spent with social networking.  I would like you to watch this clip and share your idea about how do you think about the right proportion of time we should be with computers? Is it a big problem of social networking compared with security and privacy concerns?

Additional readings
Do social network sites really make people feel more alone?
You are not alone on social networking.


  1. Hi Thinnakorn:

    I think Dr. Laura gave good advice about limiting both the computer and alone in room times to 2 hours. The daughter should be out doing more face-to-face social interactions with her own peers. Since she already was a member of a Church group, that seemed like a good place to start with her live social expansion.

    I think the issue of social isolation while belonging to a variety of social networking groups is a problem that is not discussed as much as security and privacy concerns. Yet, it should be a major concern as well. Just think of the cyberbullying Frontline video that we watched 2 weeks ago for IDE 611; the 7 years old kid, Ryan committed suicide. He was being bullied, but he was also socially isolated. His father had no idea about the problems he was facing until after his death and going through his email and online communication messages/postings. I think if the father might have heard Dr. Laura's advice, then maybe a different outcome would have occurred.

  2. when you see student email each other and they sat together not talking it is sad

  3. i think people talk less now because of computer. They afraid to say hello but ok on keyboard

  4. I agree with Sirinuch that people talk less because of computers. These day you can order pizza online or through text messaging, never having to talk to anybody!

  5. Hi Aja! Thanks for your sharing! The case raised by Dr. Laura reflects what's really happening right now. Some parents just ignore it, some don't know how to deal with this problem. Hope they can have a chance to hear Dr. Laura!

  6. Sirinuch! Thanks for your comment! Even I, sometimes feel better sending a message than going out to meet him face-to-face! I think we should meet and talk more. We are human!

  7. Hi Bart, Thanks for your comment! It's true we talk less due to computer! However, if typing is a kind of talking we may talk but don't meet!
